rugsėjo 14, 2014


Sometimes you can feel the pressure
The blood
Sticking its nose
Like a bird

Sometimes it feels like the skies are falling
And you don't even know then
If it's blue, black or bright
Inside & outside

Sometimes I can feel your hands
Always soft and warm
Welcoming, I guess
Until one day you say good-bye

Sometimes each of us feels the silence
Sticky, heavy
And even if you try to speak
The words get you nowhere - you end where you have started
Dead silence and our heads down in shame

When the skies are falling
The blood starts to run from my nose
From your hands too (I guess so, or was I dreaming?)
And then

But why then my feet are still dancing
To the rhythm similar to your soul's
It seems like I'm closer
And you look at me, smiling

In the silence, in the epiphany
I realize that I would never know
But it's a fool's destiny, I guess
To live and hope, and love